How to Add GIF in Signature: The Ultimate Guide

Do you want to stand out from the crowd and make your signature memorable? Sounds like an idea, isn’t it? But how do you do it?

While some email clients allow you to add an animated GIF to your email signature directly, others require E-signature tools for the task. This blog will give you a simple walkthrough on how to add an animated GIF to an Email Signature.

How to Add Animated GIFs in Signature?

Inserting an Animated GIF in the signature is a great way to enhance the recall value of the brand. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the GIF is relevant and not very distracting.

Here are some tools that can help you add animated GIFs to your signature seamlessly.

1. Microsoft Outlook (Web & Desktop)

Follow these steps to add an animated GIF to your email signature using Outlook:

  1. Open Microsoft Outlook 365 and click on Compose and Reply.
  2. Click on Signatures → New to create a new signature, If you don’t have one already. You can also rename the existing signature and change it as you like.
  3. Upload your GIF by clicking the image icon or add a link.
  4. Save the changes.

2. Gmail

Follow these steps to add an animated GIF to your email signature using Gmail:

  1. Select your GIF image from Google Drive or another online source.
  2. Click on the Settings in Gmail.
  3. Select Settings → Signature → Create new.
  4. Name and create your Gmail signature.
  5. You can also edit your signature if needed.
  6. Click on the image icon in the editor toolbar to insert your GIF.

6. You can upload your GIF or add a link to it.

7. Click OK and Save Changes when it is complete.

3. Other Email Tools

By following simple instructions like the above you can also use tools like Thunderbird and Hubspot to add animated GIF to your email signature.

  • Thunderbird

Follow these steps to add an animated GIF to your email signature using Thunderbird:

  1. Open Thunderbird → Tools → Account Settings.
  2. Click on Account → Signature Text box.
  3. Click on the image icon and upload your GIF or add a link to it.
  4. Organize the layers in the order that you want them to animate.
  5. Save all the changes.
  • HubSpot

Follow these steps to add an animated GIF to your email signature using HubSpot:

  1. Upload the GIF file to your File Manager.
  2. Add an image module to your email template.
  3. In the email editor, select your GIF to add to this module.

If you are tech-savvy and your email service supports HTML signatures, then you can also insert a GIF by editing the HTML code of your signature. There are several ways to add an animated gif to your signature, you can pick the one that suits you the most.

How to add Animated GIFs in Email Signature Using SignatureGenerator platform?

Let us learn how to add Animated GIFs in Email Signature using our platform. Firstly, visit the website and click on the “Email Signature” feature to create an email signature. You can follow these steps:

– Basic Details

  • Select a font style that looks professional and is simple to read.
  • Enter your name and job title accurately.

– Contact Information

Enter your contact details like your phone number, email address, and company address.

– Company Logo and Social Media Accounts

Add your animated company logo for brand recognition with your professional social media links/accounts such as LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, website, or Twitter.

– Result

Ensure that your email signature is concise like below and not too cluttered with unnecessary details.

– Copy and save

Copy your email signature and use it as a template for later use.

– Insert in Gmail

Copy and paste the signature by clicking on Settings in Gmail or any email client. Select Settings → Signature → Create new → Save Changes.

Tips to add an Animated GIF in Email Signature

Yes, an animated GIF certainly adds a visual element to your email, but sometimes it can be counterproductive. Here are some tips on how to avoid such scenarios:

  • Using too many GIFs can increase the size of your email signature often leading to high storage costs. Your email is then likely to be flagged as spam by the email filters.
  • Avoid using flashy GIFs that can take away the attention from the content of the email. Keep it to the point and professional.
  • An animated GIF when used smartly can boost your CTR(Click Through Ratio). But, it can also ruin your marketing campaign, if overdone without any planning. So, you should be cautious, while creating a marketing campaign.


If you want an easy way to add an animated GIF in email signatures without any technical hassles, do not worry we have got you covered.

SignatureGenerator is your trustworthy friend for creating a professional-looking signature that reflects your personal style and brand. Get in touch with us today.


1. What is SignatureGenerator?

SignatureGenerator is an online signature platform for creating personalised and professional-looking signatures for free.

2. Does the SignatureGenerator need a login/sign-up?

SignatureGenerator has a user-friendly interface, that does not require a login or sign-up.

3. How do I create an animated GIF?

Create an animated GIF using various online editing tools like Canva, Photoshop, etc.

4. I am not tech-savvy. Can I create an Email Signature with an animated GIF without using code?

Yes, our platform is indeed your best bet to create an email signature with an animated GIF without any technical skills.

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